Apple AppleCare Protection Plan for iPad Instrukcja Obsługi

Strona 35

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to you or any third parties; Excluding or limiting, directly or indirectly, the liability for definitive
non compliance, delay in compliance or defective compliance in case of fraud (dolo) or serious
misconduct (culpa grave); Excluding or limiting, directly or indirectly, the liability for acts of
representatives or auxiliary persons in case of fraud (dolo) or serious misconduct (culpa grave).
Nothing in this Plan shall exclude or limit Apple’s liability if such limitation or exclusion would be
deemed invalid as a matter if Portuguese public policy under Article 800/2 of the Portuguese Civil
Section 8 - If you are a consumer, nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit or exclude in any
manner whatsoever your rights as per law no. 24/96, of July 31 (Lei de Defesa do Consumidor), as
amended from time to time. In any event, Apple shall only be liable for definitive non compliance,
delay in compliance or defective compliance in cases of fraud or serious misconduct imputable
to Apple or to its representatives or auxiliary persons. If not, Apple shall not in any event be liable
for damages caused by third parties or by you; and any liability imputable to Apple or to its
representatives or auxiliary persons which is not caused by their fraud or serious misconduct is
hereby expressly excluded. However nothing in this Plan shall exclude or limit, directly or indirectly,
the liability imputable to Apple for damages caused to the life, moral or physical integrity or health
of persons or for non contractual patrimonial damages.
Section 9 - If you are a consumer and you have entered this Plan through the Apple Store web site
or through the telephone, you may cancel this Plan within fourteen days following your purchase
of the Plan. You will receive full refund.
If you cancel more than 30 days after your receipt of this Plan, you will receive a pro-rata refund
of the Plan’s original purchase price, less a cancellation fee of €25.00 or 10 per cent of the pro-rata
amount, whichever is less.
Section 11 –
The consumer or any physical entity that has given his/her personal data to be processed by Apple
within the scope of this contract can access said personal data through [email protected],
where he/she can demand said personal data to be corrected, updated or eliminated, as per Apple
Customer Privacy Policy, available at
