Part 1 - configuring the vpn software, Setting up vpn, Generating a client setup diskette – Toshiba Magnia SG20 Instrukcja Obsługi
Strona 5
VPN Configuration and Usage for the Toshiba Magnia® SG20 Server
Part 1 - Configuring the VPN Software
Setting Up VPN
During configuration, user accounts must be given access to the VPN. Then, a client
setup diskette must be created to use when setting up VPN access on client computers.
Enabling the VPN Feature
Go to the Administrative Web site.
Select the Network tab and click on the VPN menu item.
Check the Enable VPN check box and click Apply to turn on the VPN feature.
Click on the Enable/Disable User’s hyperlink to enable specific users accounts to
access this feature.
User Access
Users do not automatically have access to VPN. Each user must be given permission. To
enable VPN access for individual users follow these steps:
Go to the Administrative Web site.
Open the main VPN page and select the Enable/Disable Users hyperlink.
On the displayed screen, check the boxes next to the users to which you are granting
VPN access. You may change these settings at any time.
Click Apply.
The screen used to generate a client setup diskette displays.
Generating a Client Setup Diskette
Once your Magnia SG20 is set up to accept VPN connections from specified users, you
need to configure the client computers, such as laptops or remote desktops, to access
the server. The client configuration program must be downloaded from the Magnia SG20
to a diskette.
TECHNICAL NOTE: VPN access can be enabled or disabled by the system
administrator at any time without losing other VPN configuration settings.