Asus Eee PC 701SD/Linux Instrukcja Obsługi

Strona 74

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1. You may c�opy and distribute verbatim c�opies of the Program's

sourc�e c�ode as you rec�eive it, in any medium, provided that

you c�onspic�uously and appropriately publish on eac�h c�opy an

appropriate c�opyright notic�e and disc�laimer of warranty; keep intac�t

all the notic�es that refer to this Lic�ense and to the absenc�e of any

warranty; and give any other rec�ipients of the Program a c�opy of this

Lic�ense along with the Program.
You may c�harge a fee for the physic�al ac�t of transferring a c�opy, and

you may at your option offer warranty protec�tion in exc�hange for a

�. You may modify your c�opy or c�opies of the Program or any portion

of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and c�opy and

distribute suc�h modific�ations or work under the terms of Sec�tion 1

above, provided that you also meet all of these c�onditions:

a) You must c�ause the modified files to c�arry prominent notic�es

stating that you c�hanged the files and the date of any c�hange.

b) You must c�ause any work that you distribute or publish, that

in whole or in part c�ontains or is derived from the Program or

any part thereof, to be lic�ensed as a whole at no c�harge to all

third parties under the terms of this Lic�ense.

c�) If the modified program normally reads c�ommands

interac�tively when run, you must c�ause it, when started running

for suc�h interac�tive use in the most ordinary way, to print or

display an announc�ement inc�luding an appropriate c�opyright

notic�e and a notic�e that there is no warranty (or else, saying

that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute

the program under these c�onditions, and telling the user how

to view a c�opy of this Lic�ense. (Exc�eption: if the Program itself is

interac�tive but does not normally print suc�h an announc�ement,

your work based on the Program is not required to print an

