Apple Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard Instrukcja Obsługi

Strona 87

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that is embedded or otherwise contained in Apple-branded hardware) in machine-readable form for backup
purposes only; provided that the backup copy must include all copyright or other proprietary notices contained
on the original. Apple Boot ROM code and firmware is provided only for use on Apple-branded hardware and
you may not copy, modify or redistribute the Apple Boot ROM code or firmware, or any portions thereof.
G. If you use Setup/Migration Assistant to transfer software from one Apple-branded computer to another
Apple-branded computer, please remember that continued use of the original copy of the software may be
prohibited once a copy has been transferred to another computer, unless you already have a licensed copy of
such software on both computers. You should check the relevant software license agreements for applicable
terms and conditions. Third party software and services may not be compatible with this Apple Software
and installation of this Apple Software may affect the availability and usability of such third party software or
H. Certain components of the Apple Software, and third party open source programs included with the
Apple Software, have been or may be made available by Apple on its Open Source web site (http://www. (collectively the “Open-Sourced Components”). You may modify or replace only these
Open-Sourced Components; provided that: (i) the resultant modified Apple Software is used, in place of the
unmodified Apple Software, on a single Apple-branded computer; and (ii) you otherwise comply with the
terms of this License and any applicable licensing terms governing use of the Open-Sourced Components.
Apple is not obligated to provide any updates, maintenance, warranty, technical or other support, or services
for the resultant modified Apple Software.
You expressly acknowledge that if failure or damage to Apple hardware results from modification of the Open-
Sourced Components of the Apple Software, such failure or damage is excluded from the terms of the Apple
hardware warranty.
I. You may not and you agree not to, or to enable others to, copy (except as expressly permitted by this
License), decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, or
create derivative works of the Apple Software or any services provided by the Apple Software, or any part
thereof (except as and only to the extent any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law or to the
extent as may be permitted by licensing terms governing use of Open-Sourced Components). You agree to
use the Apple Software and the Services (as defined in Section 5 below) in compliance with all applicable laws,
including local laws of the country or region in which you reside or in which you download or use the Apple
Software and Services.
J. Apple has provided as part of the Apple Software package, and may provide as an upgrade, update or
supplement to the Apple Software, access to certain third party software or services as a convenience. To the
extent that the Apple Software contains or provides access to any third party software or services, Apple has
no express or implied obligation to provide any technical or other support for such software or services. Please
